Date: December 22, 2018
Theme: Prayer 2
Topic: The Importance of Intercessory Prayers 2
Ezekiel 22:30 “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”
Intercession is a duty for every believer because God actively seeks for people who would ‘stand in the gap’. It is an act of love to intercede, and love is the ultimate commandment.
As you walk closer with God, you need to realise that He has needs too, one of them is intercessors, and He wants only willing hearts. Make up your mind to be one of them and ask Him to help you.
Talk to God: Father, help me to always put the needs of others before mine, that I might reflect your love in Jesus’ name, amen.