Date: September 27, 208
Theme: Purpose 2
Topic: Regaining Purposeful Focus
Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Is is possible to fall off the path of purpose and there are points that seem as there could be no return, the bible does not, however, rule out the possibility of a second chance. If we are willing and submissive, God is always ready to help us right our wrongs, so, regaining purpose is possible through Him.
Beloved, do not allow yourself be haunted by your past mistakes. Shun any thought that says you will not fulfil purpose. God does not look at you and see a failure. The huge difference between winners and those who fail is at times, the decision not to quit. Get up and fulfil!
Talk to God: Father, I receive strength through you to overcome every haunting of my past failures in Jesus’ name, amen.