Date: September 28, 2018
Theme: Purpose 2
Topic: Regaining Purposeful Focus
Psalms 80:19 “Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.”
The psalmist’s cry for restoration must have been a needful one. These same words in our opening text were used thrice in the same psalm, showing the emphasis. An faulted focus on purpose could stray the believer from his eternity, there needs to be a quick cry for help.
Maybe you have ever been at a point in your life where it seems you can no longer focus on your God-given purpose, one fact remains unchanged, He formed you and can remould you. When you cry to Him for help, He is willing and able to help you. Let God hear your need for restoration.
Talk to God: Father, please restore me and my focus on purpose in Jesus’ name, amen.