Date: April 14, 2019
Theme: The Anointing and the Anointed
Topic: David, Anointed to Rule
Psalms 89:20 “I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:”
God’s scheme of choosing men is not the same as ours, His methods are divine not humanly defined. David, was an example of those who qualified by God’s own measures; his elder ones looked more fitting but God saw something beyond, a man after His heart.
It may seem to you that a man is not fit for his purpose, but God chose him for a reason. There is an enablement that comes with the anointing, but one may fail if he pursues another’s mission. Find the purpose of your anointing.
Talk to God: Father, let the purpose of my calling come to fruition in Jesus name, amen.